The RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. PRODER is one of the three programs of INPRHU Somoto. Before forming as a program, it started as the Sustainable Organic Agriculture Project, (1995) with attention to producers and producer(women and men) in 21 communities of the Municipalities of Somoto and San Lucas. This first stage of work was aimed at the community organization, the training of community promoters and the strengthening of the capacities of producers and technical team. With the evolution of time, experiences were increased, geographical coverage was expanded and, in addition, the demand of producers for technical assistance and training grew; Therefore, the rural development program was formed as a way to make our attention to the rural area more efficient. Until now, 77 communities from 14 municipalities of Las Segovias (9 municipalities of Madriz, 3 municipalities of Nueva Segovia and 2 municipalities of Estelí) are served. Objective: Promote the economic, social and environmental development of the rural families of the department from Madriz.

The thematic axes of the Rural Development program:

  • PRODUCTIVE ADAPTATION TRGOUGH CLIMATE CHANGE: Climate change has a devastating effect on food security and a clear example is the recent period of droughts and high temperatures that affected the production of grains and food during this year in practically the entire national territory. Further, if we consider the economic and social impact of regional climate instability, we can affirm that productive adaptation to irrefutable climate change must be one of the main pillars to pursue food security in municipalities and communities. In that sense, the activities promoted by INPRHU Somoto together with the beneficiaries and donors, are framed based on this thematic axis. The greatest impact on agricultural mitigation of climate change can be observed at the level of the plots, where the paradigm shift takes place. Thus, it is essential to promote production technologies with an economic, social and productively sustainable approach: such is the case of conservation agriculture, a productive model with low environmental impact and high productive impact.
  • SOVEREIGNTY AND FOOD SECURITY: Food Sovereignty and Security, is understood as the availability and stability of the food supply, culturally acceptable, so that all people have the same in quantity and quality, free of contaminants, as well as access to other services such as sanitation, health and education, which ensure nutritional well-being and allow them to make good biological use of food to achieve their development, without this implying a deterioration of the ecosystem. In that sense, INPRHU Somoto, bases its activities related to Food and Nutrition Security, to the fulfillment of Law 693 “Law of Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security”. Here it is worth mentioning as a fundamental element the development of the Bio-intensive Crops Methodology, which, together with ensuring that families have healthy food in their plots, ensures the improvement of soils as a fundamental base, next to water, to produce food . INPRHU Somoto, together with the beneficiaries, have established 491 biointensive gardens in the last three years.
  • PROTECTION, PRESERVATION AND PROMOTION OF THE HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT. INPRHU Somoto, since its foundation, has been promulgating life in a healthy environment, developing community campaigns for soil conservation, water sources, water recharge areas protection, use of bio-preparations, use of mountains organisms, reduction of agricultural burns, forested areas protection and promotes water saving and clean water consumption.
  • SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. INPRHU Somoto, bases the application of this thematic axis, on the impulse of different technologies: Optimization of water use through the implementation of drip irrigation systems, use of organic and bio-prepared amendments, use of reservoirs and cisterns to collect water from rains, use of filters for water, reduction of the use of firewood through the implementation of improved stoves, use of soil and water conservation practices, recovery of traditional seeds as a productive strategy with resilience, community farmers and entrepreneurship fairs as an alternative marketing for the improvement of the maintenance of the productive activity, promotion of base organizations such as the Committees of drinking water and sanitation and community banks of creole seeds.

The Biointensive Cultivation, is a method of sustainable organic agriculture of small scale, focused on self-consumption and mini-commercialization. Take advantage of nature to obtain high production yields in a small space with low water consumption; It uses open-pollinated seeds (Creole, native) and requires few external inputs. The Biointensive Method has been well managed and has proven almost totally sustainable. The result is an organic agriculture that not only produces nutritious and organic food, but also rebuilds and improves soil fertility, allowing to take advantage of land not considered suitable for agriculture. The biointensive method provides a solution to family food and nutrition security and sovereignty in the face of the great problems that threaten people around the world: pollution and destruction of the environment, depletion of natural resources, and climate change. INPRHU Somoto, has established 491 biointensive gardens with the beneficiaries. It has 3 basic teachers certified by the ECOLOGY ACTION Organization, in addition, its two central orchards are certified as BIOINTENSIVE AGROECOLOGICAL CENTERS (CAB), which projects them as centers with the conditions for the realization of national and international events.

  • WATER AND SANITATION. INPRU Somoto, promotes activities related to the rural families, to have access to safe and quality water. Based on the thematic axis of water and sanitation, we adhere to the application of the FECSA methodology (Family, School and Healthy Community), seeking as a result, more families with access to quality water and therefore families with less incidence of diseases. The activities that we develop are linked to the functioning of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Committees (CAPS) and we can mention: organization of cleaning campaigns in communities, reforestation campaigns of water recharge areas, campaigns of good use of water, care campaigns of water infrastructure.
  • COMMUNITY PROMOTORY. Promoters: They are producers with at least one year of training and who transfer their knowledge in their community. Paratechnics: They are Promoters with 2 or more years of training and that in addition to transmitting their knowledge in their community, it also does so in other communities and municipalities. One of the pillars in the replication of knowledge towards producers and producers, is the work done by promoters and promoters, Paratechnics. INPRHU Somoto, strengthens the organizational and technical capacities of promoters in order that knowledge be extended to other areas and that more people can apply them and improve their productive conditions and quality of life.
  • SANITARY AND PRODUCTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE: INPRHU Somoto has an Infrastructure department, which has come to reinforce the issue of sanitary and productive infrastructure. We can mention within the universe of built works the following: Reservoirs for collecting runoff water, Tanks for collecting roof water, Construction of latrines, housing construction, Construction of collection centers, construction of bio-gardens , construction of sanitary units, Rehabilitation of waters wells, construction of rural mini-aqueducts, construction of piggery, construction of chicken coops, fish ponds, filters for coffee honey waters , wet benefits for coffee.