About us?
The Institute for Human Promotion. INPRHU is the oldest non-governmental organization in Nicaragua. It was founded in 1966, it is a Nicaraguan development, private, non-profit, pluralist Foundation; duly registered in the ministry of government under the perpetual number: 129, Folio: from 154 to 162, Volume: IV, Book: first, Department of registration and control of associations of the mentioned ministry.
INPRHU’s foundation obeyed:
- Give back to the human person his dignity, favor by all lawful means, in all areas of life, the social forms that make possible and guarantee full personal responsibility, both in the temporal and in the eternal order.
- Defend, protect, restore the family in its economic, spiritual, moral and legal unit, provide it with space, light, rest, a home not far from its workplace, so that it can fulfill its mission of transmitting a new life, of educate their children, to live a family life, material and spiritually healthy.
- Give, in society, to work respect for their dignity as a means of personal improvement and union between men.
- Assure the peasants and their families, working and living conditions, such as wages, accommodation, private property, that suppresses injustices, that make a possible human life made of well-being, security in respect due to the dignity of the worker, access to a human culture, the place that must correspond to the working class in the nation along with the other classes, so that it acquires the co-responsibility to which it aspires in the direction of the economy of the entire country.
- To tend to the unity of society in a loyal collaboration between the various classes and social and professional sectors and constituting a professional organization, concerned with pursuing the common good of the profession in more humane, fairer, and more fraternal relationships.
- To develop in the consciences the sense of the common good, the principle of unity and to promote social justice that extends to the institutions and laws to put them at the service of the human person, his dignity, his destiny, and that demand a more equitable distribution of wealth and national income, to raise the standard of living of the most deprived classes.
- Make a mass, amorphous multitude of individuals, a true people.
Furthermore, uphold the right to use material goods in the awareness of their own duties and social limits. The respect and vital protection of private property in its personal and social role. Promote the dissemination of such principles: a) Social research in all its aspects. b) The training and education of workers and, especially, of labor leaders. c) The organization of a system of student scholarships for the best preparation of workers. d) The creation, organization and development of the Peasant Education Institutes. e) Promote the constitution, structuring and development of labor organizations and service centers inspired by the aforementioned principles of social justice.
On December 20, 1,979 he obtained his legal status under the INPRHU acronym. (It was the third legal status approved by the Government Board of National Reconstruction) Published in the Gazette number 89 of December 21, 1979. And its statutes were approved in February 1,980 (Decree 273), which were first amended by Decree number 373, dated April 11, 1,980.
On June 26, 1990, Ms. Gladis Beatriz Cáceres Leyva (QEPD) founded the INPRHU Territorial Delegation, legally calling it INPRHU-MADRIZ, which from that moment began operations, with the support of cooperating organizations that identified with the mission and spirit of work, promoting, at first, preventive health projects at the community level. Then it continues executing small projects related to:
- Housing projects.
- Attention to street children’s problems.
- Organization of a community training center.
- Training for Health brigade members. Natural Medicine promoters and midwives.
- Training for organic agriculture promoters, youth social promoters and rural producer organizations.
What do we do
- We promote Human development through the formulation, management of projects and resources, development and implementation of communication, awareness and dissemination strategies aimed at the defense and fulfillment of human rights.
- We promote socio-economic development through technical support, implementation of new technologies, education for the promotion of behavioral changes and facilitating rural microcredit.
- We strengthen local capacities with training processes and technical support.
- We articulate our efforts in networks and social actors, and educate for development through training processes.
The INPRHU MADRIZ delegation has Operational, Organizational, Financial, Administrative and Management autonomy attached to INPRHU’s philosophy, strategic planning and lines of action.
Since the founding of INPRHU we have had the support of the International Cooperation of national, regional and local governments, municipalities and organizations from Spain, Germany, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, the United States, the European Union, Denmark, the Netherlands, Ireland, Japan, England, Sweden; to execute development projects for the benefit of families in vulnerable situations.

Promote the human development of families and communities so that they become protagonists in the improvement of their living conditions, through educational processes aimed at the fulfillment of Human Rights.
INPRHU Somoto es una institución reconocida como líder en la gestión del desarrollo humano generando cambios sostenibles en la calidad de vida de las familias y comunidades.
- The investigation of the socioeconomic reality.
- Formulation of proposals,
- Promotion of social changes,
- Provide technical assistance,
- Link private and public sector,
- Contribute to the development of a new
- critical social culture,
- Support rehabilitation and socio economic transformation programs.
- Promotion and respect for the human being, education and participation.
- The fundamental axis of our actions is the human being and the family as the main social institution for the promotion of rights.
- Coherence between thinking and acting.
- Professional ethics.
- Respect for the principles, philosophy, mission and institutional vision.
- Promotion and rescue of values and cultural identity with the groups we interact with.
- We promote gender equality as a way to empower the family and especially women

and in the Segovias
Las sabanas
San Lucas
San juan del rio coco

- YUDBIL International partner network.
- KORA organization based in Italy. Made up of 6 organizations from Latin America.
- Network of technical education centers. INATEC.
- Departmental Commission for Occupational Health and Safety, chaired by the Ministry of Labor.
- Youth Platform and culture of peace. (Consortium with Fe y Alegría and Ayuda en Acción) Projects with the European Union
- INTERTEAM cluster. Made up of 32 national and foreign organizations.
- Sectorial table of the agricultural sector headed by the National Technological Institute. INATEC.
- National TDH Germany platform.
- NICASALUD Network.
- Friends of the Earth Consortium- ECODES and Cleaner Production Center.
- GEO Rio Coco park platform.
- Departmental Labor Commission.
- Consortium of ecological rights for girls, boys and adolescents.
- CATIE Consortium and INPRHU SOMOTO.
- Consortium with local governments of the department of Madriz.